Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The clanking and clunking of spoons, dishes and stuff in the kitchen woke Jamie up. It took her a couple of minutes to realise what was happening. Uncle was finishing up breakfast and probably going to leave for work in another 10 minutes or so. It was Monday morning finally, the weekend was officially over!!

Jamie leaped out of bed in joy, and ran straight into the shower. She knew Aunt was going to be out all day today, which meant she had the house to herself, and was free to do/eat/think/be as she liked! "We need some music around here" she announced to her reflection in the mirror, "and I know just the CD to play!" Thereafter, Fabulous joined her in her daily morning activities, in the bathroom and at breakfast.

Every Monday Aunt attended a day long workshop thingy called on organic gardening. She had been trying to grow stuff in her backyard forever, but apart from cacti, nothing seemed to want to live there. "Can't blame the veggies!", Jamie had always thought. Now, Aunt was trying to go O! as she liked to call it. "You can't keep saying that Aunt" Jamie had warned her a gazillion times, "Oprah's going to sue you one of these days!"

With the house all to herself, Jamie felt peace of mind. She plonked herself on the couch in the living room and let her thought wander. It had a while since she had spoken to any of her friends, since she had moved to Broken Bow to be precise. It's not that she was living a very busy life here, it's that the Msn messenger in her computer wasn't working! She had tried to re-install the program some 7 times now, but it refused to work. Jamie had gotten super frustrated and had given up. But now she didn't have a way to reach her friends, and that really sucked.

If there was one thing that Jamie was really proud of, it was her group of best friends. She absolutely and totally trusted, cared about and loved them! She told them everything that went on in her life, everything. They had all gone to the same high school in Faraway land, some for a year, some for more. Even though that was years ago now, and almost seemed like a different lifetime altogether, they were still as close today as they had been then, maybe even closer. unfortunately for Jamie, none of them were in the United States. They were all living their lives in different parts of the world. Peyton was in Paris, John in some part of Canada, and Berry.. well, last she heard from her, Berry was discovering Central Europe.

[ There are some others who comprise Jamie's inner circle people; the reader will get acquainted with them in due course of time.]

Jamie decided to send a private message on Facebook. She wanted to enquire about Peyton's Belgian boyfriend, so she knew posting on her wall was not an option. He would definitely see it, and that would not be too good.

Jamie and Peyton, fascinatingly, lived very similar lives; albeit in different continents. If you took a look at them, as individuals, and at their lives, you would see that they had a lot going for them. However, they somehow constantly failed to see that, and lived their lives believing in their hearts that they were sore losers! This sorta self image, predictably, has never done good for nobody. So, Jamie and Peyton went from one jerk to another, from one heartbreak to another and never really did much with their careers. Peyton couldn't ever get a job, not 'cause she was incapable of, but 'cause she never really tried to... and as for Jamie, well, her story is a little bit more complicated, so let's save that for later.

" Peyton, I'm going to get a Europe phone card tonight and I will give you a call tomorrow, 7p.m your time. I'm really sorry for doing the disappearing act on you, the msn here has gone to Hawaii... as in, is on holiday.. I mean it's not working. Okay, alright, too lame i agree! ;) lol. Tty soon, tc! luv ya, muaxx! "

Just as Jamie sent the message, she saw that John had uploaded new pictures of him and Mary Ann (his girlfriend of 4 years).. "Awesome!" she thought, "I love pictures!". She started browsing through John's photos, but not before she scribbled on a post-it note next to the computer:-

' call pey tom, 7p.m. Parisian time"

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